Parish Men’s Group

The parish has an active men’s group which includes many men from other churches around Bury.

We have four-weekly breakfasts in The Pilgrim’s Kitchen at 8.00am with full English breakfast. There is plenty of parking. After a Bible thought by one of our members, we enjoy a talk emphasising the speaker’s personal walk with our Lord. This is followed by any questions. Some 25 to 30 men are present.

We also have four-weekly Bible study discussion breakfasts in a home.

There is a weekly lunch on Tuesdays at The Greene King Beer Café at 12.15pm and other activities.

We organise parish walks with a pub lunch on Saturdays from March to October.

For further information, contact Trevor Ashton 01284 701015 or Edward Coningsby 07503 732782.

The dates for the breakfasts, walks and study breakfasts are in the parish diary.