St Mary’s Choirs

St Mary’s has a tradition of choral music which stretches back over five hundred years. Currently, we are fortunate to have three choirs which sing both separately and together at rehearsals and services.

The Junior choir is open to boys and girls from the age of seven upwards, rehearsing on Friday evenings from 6.30pm until 7.30pm. They join with the men’s choir to sing at our 11am Sunday service.

There is also a Ladies’ choir which rehearses from 6.30pm to 7.30pm on Tuesday evenings and sings at evensong on Sundays at 4.30pm twice a month (from January 2022) and occasionally at our 11am services.

The Men’s choir rehearses from 7pm until 8pm on Fridays and sings at both the 11am Sunday service and at evensong.

All three choirs unite to sing together at major festivals in the church’s year and for special Civic services such as the Act of Remembrance.

There is also the opportunity for choir members to develop their musical knowledge and vocal techniques at ‘Voice for Life’ training sessions which are held on Tuesdays and Friday evenings at The sessions have an informal atmosphere and the ratio of trainers to singers is usually about 1:2, allowing the singers to benefit from close, friendly support from highly-qualified and experienced music teachers and singers.

Joining our Choirs

We are always on the look-out for singers to join us! You do not have to read music or have any prior knowledge of church music. Currently we are actively recruiting boys and girls. Singing with St Mary’s choir gives young people the opportunity to develop their musical skills and to sing some of the most beautiful music in the Western classical tradition in the majestic worship space of St Mary’s church. We aim to provide a friendly environment and to nurture each child’s musical ability.

Commitment is limited to one practice and one service a week during school terms (The choir takes a break during school holidays). We invite young people to come along to one of our practices and get a sense of what being in the choir will be like, without any commitment on their part. Parents are always welcome to attend rehearsals. We aim to offer a first-rate musical training, and several recent and current members have gone on to hold choral scholarships and study music at university.

For an informal discussion, please contact the Church Wardens who will always be pleased to hear from you.